
Understanding your audience is crucial in writing because it shapes your message, tone, and content. Initially, I struggled with this in my PSA, which was aimed at students of CCNY, knowing that it was presented there. Through practice, I learned to tailor my writing to their interests and needs, making my messages clearer and more engaging. Now, I can effectively connect with my target audience, ensuring my communication is impactful and compelling.



Understanding your purpose in writing is essential because it guides the content, structure, and style of your work. The purpose determines what information to include, how to present it, and what tone to use. In my technical description of the 3-in-1 multipurpose oil, recognizing the purpose helped me provide clear, precise, and useful information to the reader. Initially, I struggled with focusing my writing, but by understanding the purpose—to inform and educate about the product's features and uses—I was able to create a more effective and coherent description. This clarity made my technical writing more impactful and useful for the audience.


Understanding the genre is crucial in writing because it dictates the conventions and expectations for structure, tone, and content. In the case of my public service announcement (PSA), recognizing the genre's requirements was essential. A PSA needs to be concise, engaging, and persuasive to quickly capture the audience's attention and convey important information effectively. Initially, I struggled with this, resulting in a less impactful message. However, by focusing on the genre's conventions, I was able to refine my PSA to be more direct and compelling, ensuring it successfully communicated its intended message to the audience.


Stance is crucial in writing because it reflects the writer's attitude and perspective toward the subject, influencing how the audience perceives the message. In my technical description of the 3-in-1 multipurpose oil, understanding the appropriate stance was essential for providing clear and objective information. Initially, I had a hard time grasping the right stance, and I still find it challenging, but I have improved. Learning to adopt a neutral and informative stance helped me focus on delivering precise and factual content, making my technical writing more effective and credible.


In my sustainability and green building design PSA, media played a pivotal role, particularly in the form of a slideshow presentation. Utilizing this medium allowed me to visually showcase key concepts and designs, enhancing audience engagement and comprehension. Initially, integrating the slideshow effectively posed a challenge, but I learned to leverage its power to reinforce my message. By combining spoken narration with compelling visuals, I succeeded in delivering a persuasive and impactful presentation. This experience underscored the importance of media in conveying complex ideas and fostering understanding among the audience.


Exigence, the reason for communication, is pivotal in writing as it drives the need for conveying a message. Initially, comprehending exigence posed a challenge, notably evident in crafting technical descriptions. However, as I delved deeper into the concept, I realized its significance in clarifying purpose and audience. In my technical description of the 3-in-1 multipurpose oil, understanding exigence helped me outline its features and benefits concisely, addressing the audience's need for clear information. Despite improvements, grasping exigence remains a challenge, especially in anticipating the audience's specific requirements and motivations, yet continual practice aids in refining this aspect of writing.